In today’s global industries improving the performance of materials by a few percent can make the difference between success and failure. Over 35 years we have applied CVD and related technologies across the periodic table to achieve breakthrough advances such as the development of the materials used in ceramic jet engines.
Do you want to: • Coat your parts to improve their lifetime and performance? • Make your parts perform in more extreme conditions? • Upgrade the existing coating on your parts to further improve their lifetime, performance and performance envelope? • Improve the adhesion and other properties of your coatings? • Produce high grade composite materials? • Improve the physical and chemical properties of your composite materials?
ATL is able to offer a wide range of R & D services to industry: • Theoretical studies, process modelling and literature surveying. • Development of new coatings for customers. • Development of existing coatings for special requirements or new applications. • Coating of samples for customer testing. • Coating of pilot scale and small production batches. • Design studies for new coating equipment from bench top laboratory through pilot plant to full production size machines. • Supply of new coating equipment from bench top laboratory through pilot plant to full production size machines
